Aarhus University Seal


Aarhus University Library is spread across a number of locations; however, you can search in and order all types of materials from all service locations. For general information regarding the library, see AU Library.

Create a user account

You can access the AU Library database by using your credentials from the AU self-service. Activate your profile at mit.au.dk. You need to pick a pincode in the library system. Employees at Aarhus University are to log in with WAYF to be able to create a new pincode.

Order and collect

To order library materials, search the AU Library database, and you will automatically be forwarded to the new search interface, kb.dk. Add the relevant item(s) to your basket and choose your 'favourite pick-up location' (e.g. Moesgaard Library). Be aware that the new system cannot be used with Internet Explorer. For more information on the new library system, see library.au.dk.

Interlibrary loans

To order library materials from other Danish or international libraries, search the AU Library database. Select "Bestil fra andre biblioteker" (Order from other libraries) and fill in the required information and choose your 'favourite pick-up location' (e.g. Moesgaard Library).

Moesgaard Library

Moesgaard Library holds a large Anthropology and Archaeology collection, as well as materials from Moesgaard Museum. The library gets deliveries from the State Library on a daily basis.


AU Library, Moesgaard
Moesgård Allé 20
DK-8270 Højbjerg

Tel.: +45 8716 2673
Email: moesgaard.library@au.dk

Opening hours

Monday-Thursdag: 09:00-15:00
Friday 09:00-14:00
Weekends closed

Outside opening hours, you need to use your building access card to get in.

For assistance, contact librarian Louise Kruse Fischman (Phone: +45 9135 6442).