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Introduction of Christopher Dickenson

New Assistant Professor at UrbNet.

Christopher Dickenson received his PhD from the University of Groningen in 2012 for a thesis that explored the changing use of the Greek agora in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. He has reworked the first part of the thesis as a monograph that traces the architectural development of the agora from c. 300 BC to 200 AD. The book appeared in Brill’s Mnemosyne Supplements series at the beginning of this year. He is currently reworking the second half of the thesis, which examines the agora as an arena in which political relations were defined and contested, as a second monograph. Prior to moving to Denmark he held a Marie Curie Fellowship at the University of Oxford. There he worked on a project that explored the ways in which the monuments such as portrait statues, statues of gods and tombs that stood in the public spaces of the cities of Roman Greece drew on their setting for meaning. At UrbNet, he is planning to expand his interest in public space in the ancient world to compare cities in different parts of the Roman Empire and to investigate the potential of using new archaeological techniques to analyse how different groups within urban societies used and experienced public areas such as fora, bathhouses, sanctuaries and streets.