Aarhus University Seal

An Archaeological Approach to Archaic Rome (6th–early 5th century BC). A Case Study of the Archaic Site from the Caesar’s Forum Area

Through an archaeological approach, this project aims to reassess the Archaic period (6th–early 5th century BC), a pivotal era in the history of Rome, which previously, for the most part, has been studied against a background of the ancient literary tradition. The approach is based on mixed methodologies consisting of archaeological evidence from Archaic Rome, modern excavations, and archaeological scientific studies. The scope of the dissertation is the examination of domestic architecture and urban development in Archaic Rome. The area of the Forum of Caesar is the starting point for the investigation, as it is one of the rare sites in Rome that contains well-preserved stratigraphy from the Archaic period.

The PhD project is part of the ‘Caesar’s Forum Project’. The project is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation and Aarhus University Research Foundation and is a collaboration between the Danish Institute in Rome, the Roman Municipal Department of Antiquities, and UrbNet at Aarhus University.    

PI: Nikoline Sauer