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Radiocarbon dating of ancient cities, castles and cathedrals – use of lime mortar as a datable material

PhD defence by Thomas Schrøder Daugbjerg.

Info about event


Friday 6 August 2021,  at 13:00 - 18:00


Institute of Mathematics, Ny Munkegade 118, 8000 Aarhus C, building 1532 room 116 (G1)


During his PhD studies, Thomas Schrøder Daugbjerg researched radiocarbon dating of lime mortar as a chronological method for archaeology. In historic times, people produced lime mortar and applied it in masonry and construction work. Lime mortar hardens through a chemical reaction with atmospheric CO2, and thereby captures the atmospheric radiocarbon signal at the time of hardening. If certain contamination issues and methodological challenges can be overcome, mortar dating can be a powerful chronological tool to radiocarbon date construction events for the past’s ancient cities, castles, cathedrals and more. Jerash is one of several well-known ancient cities in northern Jordan, and here mortar dating is notoriously difficult. After years of methodological development, mortar dating contributes to Jerash chronologies and date the city’s rich heritage from the Roman era to the early Islamic period.

Time Schedule

  • 13:00 A presentation by Thomas Schrøder Daugbjerg (30 min) (In building 1532 room 116 (G1))
  • 13:30 Discussion with the Assessment Committee and Thomas Schrøder Daugbjerg (120 min) (In building 1532 room 116 (G1))
  • 15:30 Reception with snacks and drinks (In building 1532 room 214 (Kol-G))
  • 18:00 End of reception

More Info

You are welcome to all or selected elements. I hope to see you! 

Please confirm or decline your attendance to the reception no later than the 16th of July 2021, so snacks and drinks can be adjusted appropriately (thomas.daugbjerg@phys.au.dk).

Regarding covid-19 and Aarhus University’s restrictions: The current guidelines are that one should have a valid Corona passport, for further information see: https://medarbejdere.au.dk/en/corona/