Evolution in the air: The urban conundrum
New culture comment in Current World Archaeology by UrbNet Centre Director Rubina Raja and Centre Deputy Director Søren M. Sindbæk.

In a new culture comment featured in the latest issue of Current World Archaeology, UrbNet Centre Director Professor Rubina Raja and Centre Deputy Director Professor Søren M. Sindbæk delve into the secrets and mysteries surrounding the subject of cities, settlements, and their networks.
The comment is titled ‘Evolution in the air: the urban conundrum’, and it looks at one of archaeology’s most famous conundrums: the origin of cities. It is the first of a new bimonthly column series (Urban Opinion) by Rubina Raja and Søren M. Sindbæk, who are also the founders of Journal of Urban Archaeology. In coming issues of Current World Archaeology, the two professors from Centre for Urban Network Evolutions at Aarhus University will be writing about their take on urban societies and their meaning for the human history and society today.
Raja, R. & Sindbæk, S. M. (2022). “Evolution in the Air: The Urban Conundrum”, Current World Archaeology 115: 158–159. Available at The Past here: https://the-past.com/comment/evolution-in-the-air-the-urban-conundrum/