Aarhus University Seal

Introduction of Cristina Boschetti

New research assistant at UrbNet.

Cristina Boschetti is a research assistant at the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet). Her main research interests include the study of Hellenistic, Roman and Medieval glass technology and economy, with a focus on long-distance trade networks and on the phenomena of reuse and recycling. She is also deeply interested in the technical aspects of Roman mosaics and wall paintings. She is active as museum curator with projects exploring the connection between Classical and contemporary art. Her research is strongly interdisciplinary and she combines the visual examination of artifacts to the chemical analyses, performed in collaboration with of the IRAMAT-CEB centre of the the CNRS Orléans (France).  During her previous employments at UrbNet she investigated Roman, Medieval and Renaissance glass from the Forum of Caesar, Rome (Italy). In 2023 she received from the Corning Museum of Glass the Rakow Grant for Glass Research “Glass from the Forum of Caesar: interdisciplinary studies for a history of glass from Rome.” (https://people.cmog.org/bio/cristina-boschetti). Her project at UrbNet is centred on the study of glass from the sites of Khiribet al-Khalde (Wadi Yitm, Jordan) and the Sarno Baths, in Pompeii (Italy), the latter in collaboration with the University of Padua (Italy). Her research is directed to clarify for the first time the dynamics governing the supply the circulation of glass along the caravan routes crossing the south of Jordan. At the same time, the chemical study of glass from Pompeii will fill an important gap in the literature on Roman glass of the first century CE.