Introduction of Fernando Moreno Navarro
Visiting PhD student.

Fernando Moreno-Navarro is an archaeologist specialised in studying Roman Spain through Household Archaeology, Geographical Information Technologies, and Network Analysis. He is a PhD fellow at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), linked to the project ‘Economías domésticas en la Carpetania romana (100 a.C. – 400 d.C.): Condiciones de vida, redes y desigualdad’ directed by Dr Jesús Bermejo Tirado. He has carried out several research stays at EEHAR-CSIC (Rome, Italy) and Durham University. He has collaborated as a researcher in several projects related to Pre-Roman and Roman Spain like Numantia Archaeological Team and Renieblas Archaeological Project. He holds a BA in History with a specialisation in Pre-History and an MSc in Geographical Information Technologies (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
His project uses data from a large number of Roman peasant settlements in central Spain analysed using household archaeology to understand the peasant economies of this region from relational perspectives and their integration into the Roman economy using Network Analysis. His stay at UrbNet will allow his project to advance in this area by improving the methodology and tools using for this purpose.