Aarhus University Seal

Introduction of Lilian Dibbern

New research assistant at UrbNet.

I'm a recent graduate with a BA in Classical Archaeology and an MA in Archaeology from Aarhus University, with a specific interest in movement and the development of urban centres in the Mediterranean during the Roman period. In my MA thesis, I explored the development of road networks and urban environments in Cyrenaica, Libya, during the Roman period and Late Antiquity.

During my studies, I contributed as a student worker for project MINERVA to the development and curation of the upcoming exhibition on Roman road networks, at the Museum of Ancient Art in Aarhus. Additionally, I have been a teaching assistant in Roman archaeology at the Department for Classical Studies and History, and have completed an internship at Museum Skanderborg, where I among other things worked with data collection and registration of archival materials.

I will be joining the Palmyra Portrait Project as a Research Assistant, where I will support and contribute to ongoing publication projects.