Introduction of Kirstine Haase
New UrbNet PhD student.

Medieval and Renaissance archaeologist.
Since 2013 empolyed at the Odense City Museums as an excavation leader. Working on excavations in the center of medieval Odense in connection to the project “From street to town”.
I have primarily worked with urban archaeology as a field archaeologist over the past ten years.
I’m doing a PhD mainly based on the results from the recent excavations in Odense. My project title is “Life in the town – urban practices, networks and identities in medieval Odense, 1100-1500.” Analyzing artefact biographies and urban practices through the material culture e.g. building patterns, refuse patterns, use and depostioning of animal bone etc. I will be studying the urban networks and the formation of an urban identity.
The PhD is part of the research project “Urbaniseringens Møder og Mennesker” (People and encounters in urbanization) – a cooperation between Museum of Copenhagen, The Nya Lödöse project in Gothenberg and UrbNet.