Living with and on the river-side. The example of Roman Antiochia-on-the-Chrysorrhoas-formerly-called-Gerasa
New publication by Achim Lichtenberger (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) and Rubina Raja (Aarhus University).

Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2016). Living with and on the river-side. The example of Roman Antiochia-on-the-Chrysorrhoas-formerly-called-Gerasa. In Kuhlmann Madsen, J., N. Overgaard Andersen, & I. Thuesen (eds), Water of Life. Festschrift for Peder Mortensen. Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus 11. Copenhagen: Orbis, 98-117.
This contribution explores the ways in which the Golden River at Gerasa had an impact on the urban life, both in terms of iconography and urban layout. It forms the basis for a newly initiated project which focusses on the river in Jerash and which will be conducted under the direction of Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja together with Ian Simpson from Stirling University and Søren Much Kristiansen, GeoScience, Aarhus University and UrbNet core-group member.