New UrbNet results widely covered in this week’s news
The recent UrbNet collaboration study on using hafnium isotopes to determine the origin of Roman glass by Centre director Professor Rubina Raja, Assistant professor Gry Barfod and colleagues is trending on the web.

During the past week the study, which was recently published in Nature Scientific Reports, has received the following press coverage:
- Geochemische Analytik mit Hafnium-Isotopen
Analytik News, 16 July 2020. - Hafnium-Isotope als Schlüssel
Archäologie in Deutchland, 16 July 2020. - Hafnium-Isotope als Schlüssel: Archäologen und Geochemiker weisen Glas-Herkunft aus römischer Kaiserzeit nach
GeoHorizon, 15 July 2020.
- ?????? ?? ??????? ???????, 14 July 2020. - New approach solves previous thriller: Hafnium isotopes clinch starting place of top quality Roman glass, 14 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
Geochemical News, 14 July 2020. - Hafnium isotopes confirm origin of high-quality Roman glass
University College London, 13 July 2020.
- Helder als Egyptisch glas
C2W, 13 July 2020.
- New Method Distinguishes Between Egyptian And Palestinian Glass During Roman Times
Ancient pages, 13 July 2020. - Where Did Rome's Famous 'Alexandrian' Glass Come From?
RealClearScience, 13 July 2020. - Rare element solves mystery of Roman clear glass
The History Blog, 12 July 2020. - New technique solves previous thriller: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
SunriseTechno, 11 July 2020. - »Der Fingerabdruck des Sandes«: Neue Methode zur Herkunftsbestimmung von antikem Glas
Archäeologie online, 10 July 2020. - Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass, 10 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
News Break, 10 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass, 10 July 2020. - Reveal the secret of making the perfect “Alexandria” glass
Kxan36 - Local news and headlines, 10 July 2020. - Scientists Analyze Composition of Rome’s Clear Glass, 10 July 2020. - Hafnium Isotopes Clinch Origin of High-Quality Roman glass
Heritagedaily, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass,, 9 July 2020.
- Hafnium Isotopes Confirm Origin of Roman Glass, 9 July 2020. - Hafnium-Isotope als Schlüssel: Archäologen und Geochemiker weisen Glas-Herkunft aus römischer Kaiserzeit nach
idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery
University of Münster, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
Archaeologica, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
NewsNow, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
Architexturez South Asia, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
ScienceDaily, 9 July 2020. - New Method Solves Old Mystery: Hafnium Isotopes Clinch Origin Of High-Quality Roman Glass, ScienMag, 9 July 2020.
- New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
Free Republic, 9 July 2020. - New Method Solves Old Mystery: Hafnium Isotopes Clinch Origin Of High-Quality Roman Glass
Archaeology News Network, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
EurekAlert!, 9 July 2020. - New Method Solves Old Mystery: Hafnium Isotopes Clinch Origin Of High-Quality Roman Glass
ENewsPlanet, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
Covid-19 News, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
Danmarks Grundforskningsfond, 9 July 2020. - New method solves old mystery: Hafnium isotopes provide the key
myScience, 9 July 2020. - New methodology solves outdated thriller: Hafnium isotopes clinch origin of high-quality Roman glass
Archaeology News, 9 July 2020. - Ny metode løser gammelt mysterium: Hafniumisotoper fastslår oprindelsen af eftertragtet klart romersk glas
Danmarksgrundforskningsfond, 9 July 2020.
Barfod, G. H., Freestone, I., Lesher, C. E., Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2020). ‘Alexandrian’ Glass Confirmed by Hafnium Isotopes. Nature Scientific Reports 10, 11322.