The Bronze and Iron Age habitation on Timpone della Motta in the light of recent research
New publication by Jan Kindberg Jacobsen, Sine Grove Saxkjær and colleagues

Jacobsen, J. K., Attema, P., Colelli, C., Ippolito, F., Mittica, G. & Saxkjær, S. G. (2020). "The Bronze and Iron Age habitation on Timpone della Motta in the light of recent research”, Analecta Romana Instituti Danici XLIII (2018), 25–90.
The joint article examines the material evidence for a continuous habitation sequence at the archaeological site of Timpone della Motta near present-day Francavilla Marittima in northern Calabria, spanning from the Middle Bronze Age (MBA2) to the end of the Archaic period (i.e. ca. 1700–500 BC). The authors bring together the results of archaeological investigations at eight different locations at Timpone della Motta and examine the site’s development in a local, regional and Mediterranean context.
Aside from having contributed to the article, UrbNet postdoc Sine Grove Saxkjær has been part of the editorial board for Analecta Romana Instituti Danici since 2015.
The latest issue of the series is now online: