Lecture series by Professor Roland Fletcher (University of Sydney)
Virtual lecture series - sign up now!

"The Archaeological Implications of the Interaction-Communication Matrix: an appraisal of material prerequisites, settlement trajectories and transition outcomes" is a virtual lecture series in three parts, given by Professor Roland Fletcher (University of Sydney).
Participation is open to all, but registration is necessary.
17 November 12:00 - 14:00 (lecture + Q/A)
Lecture 1 of 3: Material Prerequisites and their Implications
24 November 12:00 - 14:00 (lecture + Q/A)
Lecture 2 of 3: Settlement Trajectories and their Implications
1 December 12:00 -14:00 (lecture + Q/A)
Lecture 3 of 3: Transition outcomes and their Implications
Register here to get the Zoom link: https://events.au.dk/urbnet-talks2021/signup (same link is used for entire series)