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Call for Session Proposals Open for the 16th Roman Archaeology Conference / 34th Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference.
Archaeology has always had the power to fascinate people of all ages. But what if we could get better at inspiring the next generation to actively…
Review by Marco Ferrario (Trento / Universität Augsburg)
DG interview med professor Rubina Raja om UrbNets forskning, forskningspraksis og resultater.
The Salling Foundations and Aarhus University Research Foundation jointly support a major Danish-Polish archaeological collaboration in the Viking Age…
New publication by Rubina Raja.
New culture comment in Current World Archaeology by UrbNet Centre Director Rubina Raja and Centre Deputy Director Søren M. Sindbæk.
New article on national archaeological outreach program published in Current World Archaeology.
Former UrbNet Research Assistant Katarína (Kate) Mokránová is embarking on a 4-year long, fully funded PhD in Arabic Studies and Archaeology at the…
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Speaker: Assistant Professor Olympia Bobou
Speaker: Michał Marciak (Jagiellonian University)
UrbNet lecture series - Exploring Urbanity: Concepts of Centrality and Networks
Conference organised by Olympia Bobou (Aarhus University), Ilaria Bucci (Aarhus University) and Rubina Raja (Aarhus University)
Speaker: Kate Franklin (Birkbeck, University of London)
Speaker: Marie Wittmann (University of Oxford)
Workshop organised by Marie Theres Wittmann (Lincoln College, University of Oxford) in collaboration with Rubina Raja (Aarhus University) and Andrew…
Speaker: Research Assistant Rowan English
Conference organized by Rudolf Haensch (DAI München) and Rubina Raja (Aarhus University)
Speaker: PhD Student Derek Parrott
Speaker: Research Assistant Eleanor Neil
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Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) Aarhus University Moesgård Allé 20, DK-8270 Højbjerg Denmark
Building 4230, 2nd floor
Map of Moesgård campus
See Aarhus University building map