Aarhus University Seal


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Harvey, C. A., Intagliata, E. E., Mokránová, K., Raja, R. & Zoppi, M. (2024). "Cultural Heritage Damage Assessment at Khirbet al-Khalde in a Longue Durée Perspective: Multiscalar Methodologies and Survey Results", Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 12 (2), 172-195.

Harvey, C. A., Intagliata, E. E. & Raja, R. (2024). "A Multiscalar Approach to Survey of Military and Trade Architecture in Jordan: the Case of Khirbet al-Khalde", Antiquity Project Gallery, 1-7.
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Raja, R. (2024). "Lived Spaces in Late Antique and Early Islamic Jerash: Old Questions in the Light of New Evidence", in: Machado, C., Munnery, R. and Sweetman, R. (eds.), Lived Spaces in Late Antiquity, London: Routledge, 280-296.

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Raja, R. (2024). "Religious Life and Priestly Representations in Palmyra", in: Raja, R. (ed.) (2024). The Oxford Handbook of Palmyra, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 467–480.

Raja, R. (2024). "Revisiting the Palmyrene Pantheon: Methodological Considerations on the Many and the Few – The Nature of the Evidence",in: Raja, R. (ed.) (2024). Palmyra in Perspective, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 119-138.

Raja, R. (2024). "The Banqueting Tesserae from Palmyra: Tokens for Religious Events", in: Raja, R. (ed.) (2024). The Oxford Handbook of Palmyra, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 517–530. 

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Raja, R. (2024). "The Palmyrene Funerary Sculpture", in: Raja, R. (ed.) (2024). The Oxford Handbook of Palmyra, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 417-432.

Raja, R. (2024). "‘This Is a Man’s World’: Women Working in Jerash in the Early Twentieth Century and Some Notes on the Societal Contextualization of Research Interest Development", in: Koefoed, N. J. & Raja, R. (eds.), Women of the Past, Issues for the Present, Women of the Past: Testimonies from Archaeology and History 1, Turnhout: Brepols, 219-236. 

Raja, R. and Sindbæk, S. M. (2024). "Against the Flow", Current World Archaeology 125, 58-59.

Raja, R. and Sindbæk, S. M. (2024). "Lost Cities: the Unpublished Words", Current World Archaeology 126, 58-59.

Raja, R., & Sindbæk, S. M. (2024). "Machine Learning", Current World Archaeology 123, 58-59.

Raja, R., & Sindbæk, S. M. (2024). "Placing Space, Shaping Cities, and Making History in the Ancient Classical World", Journal of Urban Archaeology 9, 11-12.

Raja, R., & Sindbæk, S. M. (2024). "The Energy of Crowds", Current World Archaeology 124, 58-59.

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