Aarhus University Seal


Ashby, S. P., Coutu, A. N. & Sindbæk, S. M. (2015). "Urban networks and Arctic outlands: Craft specialists and reindeer antler in Viking towns", European Journal of Archaeology 18:4, 679-704.

Barfod, G. H., Larsen, J. M., Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2015). "Revealing text in a complexly rolled silver scroll from Jerash with computed tomography and advanced imaging software", Nature Scientific Reports 5, 1-10.

Blömer, M. (2015). "Der Kult des Iuppiter Dolichenus und die Frage nach Kontinuität", in: Picht, L., Schmidt, K., Schmitz, G. & Wiggering, L. (eds.), The Limits of Change: Was ist der Wert der beständigen Dinge?, Berlin, 103-122.

Blömer, M., Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (eds.) (2015). Religious Identities in the Levant from Alexander to Muhammed: Continuity and Change, Contextualizing the Sacred 4, Turnhout.

Croix, S., Knudsen, M., Pentz, P., Pedersen, A., Sindbæk, S. M. & Sørensen, A. C. (2015). "Tales", in: Sindbæk, S. M. (ed.), Dragons of the Northern Seas. The Viking Age of Denmark, Ribe, 35-99.

Fleisher, J., Lane, P., LaViolette, A., Horton, M., Pollard, E., Morales, E. Q., Vernet, T., Christie, A. & Wynne-Jones, S. (2015). "When did the Swahili become maritime?", American Anthropologist 117:1, 100-115.

Frei, K. M., Coutu, A. N., Smiarowski, K., Harrison, R., Madsen, C. K., Arneborg, J., Frei, R., Guðmundsson, G., Sindbæk, S. M., Woollett, J., Hartman, S., Hicks, M. & McGovern, T. H. (2015). "Was it for walrus? Viking Age settlement and medieval walrus ivory trade in Iceland and Greenland", World Archaeology 47:3, 439-466.

Gammeltoft, P., Jakobsen, J. G. G. & Sindbæk, S. M. (2015). "Vikingetidens bebyggelse omkring Kattegat og Skagerrak: Et forsøg på kortlægning", in: Pedersen, A. & Sindbæk, S. M. (eds.), Et Fælles Hav: Skagerrak og Kattegat i Vikingetiden, Copenhagen, 6-23.

Hawkes, J. D. & Wynne-Jones, S. (2015). "India in Africa: Trade goods and connections of the late first millennium", Afriques: Débats, méthodes et terrains d’histoire 6.

Kalaitzoglou, G., Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2015). "Ausgrabungen im Nordwestviertel von Gerasa (Jordanien)", in: Berns, C., Müller-Kissing, M. & Stöllner, T. (eds.), Jahresbericht des Instituts für Archäologische Wissenschaften für das Akademische Jahr 2013-2014, Bochum, 71-75.

Kalaitzoglou, G., Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2015). ”Preliminary report of the second season of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project 2012”, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 59, 57-79.

Kalaitzoglou, G., Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2015). "Preliminary report of the fourth season of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project 2014", Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 59, Amman, 11-43.

Kalaitzoglou, G., Kniess, R., Lichtenberger, A., Pilz, D. & Raja, R. (2015). "Report on a geophysical prospection of the Northwest Quarter of Gerasa/ Jerash 2011", Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 56, 79-88.

Knudsen, M. & Sindbæk, S. M. (2015). "Dragon’s den: Artisans and crafts", in: Sindbæk, S. M. (ed.), Dragons of the Northern Seas. The Viking Age of Denmark, Ribe, 25-30.

Knudsen, M., Pedersen, A., Pentz, P., Sindbæk, S. M. & Sørensen, A. C. (2015). "Dragons of the northern seas: the Viking age of Denmark", in: Sindbæk, S. M. (ed.), Dragons of the Northern Seas. The Viking Age of Denmark, Ribe, 5-12.

Krag, S. (2015). "The secrets of the funerary buildings in Palmyra during the Roman period", in: Mortensen, E. & Saxkjær, S. G. (eds.), Revealing and Concealing in Antiquity: Textual and Archaeological Approaches to Secrecy, Aarhus, 105-118.

Kropp, A. & Raja, R. (2015). "The Palmyra Portrait Project", in: Álvares, J. M., Nogales, T. & Rodà, I. (eds.), Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology vol. II: Centre and Periphery, Merida, 1223-1226.

Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2015). "A hoard of Byzantine and Arab-Byzantine coins from the excavations at Jerash. 6. Jerash 2014" Numismatic Chronicle 175:2015, 299-308.

Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2015). "An architectural block with altar-iconography from the North-west Quarter of Jerash", Levant 47:1, 112-130.  

Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2015). ”Intentional cooking pot deposits in Late Roman Jerash (Northwest Quarter)”, Syria: Archéologie, Art et Histoire 92, 209–238.

Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2015). "New archaeological research in the Northwest Quarter of Jerash and its implications for the urban development of Roman Gerasa", American Journal of Archaeology 119:4, 483-500.  

Lichtenberger, A., Lindroos, A., Raja, R. & Heinemeier, J. (2015). "Radiocarbon analysis of mortar from Roman and Byzantine water management installations in the Northwest Quarter of Jerash, Jordan", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2, 114-127.  

Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R. & Sørensen, A. H. (2015). ”Preliminary registration report of the second season of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project 2012”, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 59, 9-56.

Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R. & Sørensen, A. H. (2015): "The Danish-German Jarash Northwest Quarter Project 2014 Preliminary Registration Report", Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 59, Amman, 45-131.    

Möller, H. (2015). "Die Amphoren", in: Ritter, S. & von Rummel, P. (eds.), Archäologische Untersuchungen zur Siedlungsgeschichte von Thugga: Die Ausgrabungen südlich der Maison du Trifolium 2001 bis 2003, Wiesbaden, 237–254. 

Pedersen, A. & Sindbæk, S. M. (eds.) (2015). Et Fælles Hav: Skagerrak og Kattegat i Vikingetiden, Copenhagen.

Poulsen, B. (2015). "The Church and Monetization in Early Medieval Denmark, c. 1060-1160", in: Gasper, G. M. & Gullbek, S. H. (eds.), Money and the Church in Medieval Europe, 1000-1200: Practice, Morality and Thought, Farnham, 141-157.

Raja, R. (2015). "Cultic dining and religious patterns in Palmyra. The case of the Palmyrene banqueting tesserae", in: Faust, S., Seifert, M., and Ziemer, L. (eds.), Antike. Architektur. Geschichte: Festschrift für Inge Nielsen zum 65. Geburtstag, Hamburg, 181-200.

Raja, R. (2015). "Staging 'private' religion in Roman 'public' Palmyra: The role of the religious dining tickets (banqueting tesserae)", in: Ando, C. & Rüpke, J. (eds.), Public and Private in Ancient Mediterranean Law and Religion, Berlin, 165-186.

Raja, R. (2015). "Review of: A. M. Smith, Roman Palmyra: Identity, Community, and State formation (Oxford 2013)", American Journal of Archaeology 119:3, 2 p.

Raja, R. (2015). "Palmyrene funerary portrait in context: Portrait habit between local traditions and imperial trends", in: Fejfer, J., Moltesen, M. & Rathje, A. (eds.), Tradition: Transmission of Culture in the Ancient World, Copenhagen, 329-361.

Raja, R. (2015). "Palmyra Portræt Projektet: Fra kollektivt forskningsprojekt til internationalt knudepunkt", Det Unge Akademis Årsskrift, 10-13.

Raja, R. (2015). "Fra portrætforskning til dokumentation af Syriens kulturarv", in: Raja, R. & Sørensen, A. H. (eds.), Harald Ingholt & Palmyra, Aarhus, 10-13.

Raja, R. (2015). "From studying portraits to documenting Syria's cultural heritage", in: Raja, R. & Sørensen, A. H. (eds.), Harald Ingholt & Palmyra, Aarhus, 10-13.

Raja, R. (2015). "Complex sanctuaries of the Roman period", in: Raja, R. & Rüpke, J. (eds.), A Companion to the Archaeology of Religion in the Ancient World, Chichester, 307-319.

Raja, R. (2015). "Cultic dining and religious patterns in Palmyra: The case of the Palmyrene banqueting tesserae", in: Faust, S., Seifert, M. & Ziemer, L. (eds.), Antike. Architektur. Geschichte: Festschrift für Inge Nielsen zum 65. Geburtstag, Hamburg, 181-200.

Raja, R. (2015). "Review of: A. J. M. Kropp, Images and Monuments of Near Eastern Dynasts, 100 BC – AD 100 (Oxford 2013)", Syria 92, 473-475.

Raja, R. (2015). "Review of: N. J. Andrade, Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World (Cambridge 2013)", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 131:2, 217-219.

Raja, R. (2015). "Review of: L. D. Chrupcala (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo (Rome 2012)", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 130:1, 90-93.

Raja, R. (2015). "Review of: R. B. Ulrich & C.K. Quenemoen (eds.), A companion to Roman Architecture (Chichester 2013)", Bryn Mawe Classical Review 2015:03:36.

Raja, R. (2015). "Review of: W. Aylward (ed.), Excavations at Zeugma, vols. 1-3 (Oxford 2013)", Journal of Roman Studies 105, 379-381.

Raja, R. (2015). "Review of: J. S. McKenzie, J. A. Greene, A. T. Reyes, C. S. Alexander & D. G. Barrett, The Nabataean temple at Khirbet et-Tannur, Jordan, volume 1. Architecture and religion. Final report on Nelson Glueck's 1937 excavation (Boston 2013)", Antiquity 89:343, 240-242.

Raja, R. (2015). "Review of: N. J. Andrade, Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World (Cambridge 2013)", Topoi 19, 793-796.

Raja, R. & Rüpke, J. (eds.) (2015). A Companion to the Archaeology of Religion in the Ancient World, Chichester.

Raja, R. & Rüpke, J. (2015). "Archaeology of religion, material religion and the ancient world", in: Raja, R. & Rüpke, J. (eds.), A Companion to the Archaeology of Religion in the Ancient World, Chichester, 1-26.

Raja, R. & Rüpke, J. (2015). "Appropriating religion: Methodological issues in testing the ‘Lived Ancient Religion’ approach", Religion in the Roman Empire 1, 11-19.

Raja, R. & Sørensen, A. H. (2015). "The “Beauty of Palmyra” and Qasr Abjad (Palmyra): New discoveries in the archive of Harald Ingholt", Journal of Roman Archaeology 28:1, 439-450.

Raja, R. & Sørensen, A. H. (2015). Harald Ingholt & Palmyra, Aarhus. [English edition]

Rüpke, J., Feldmeier, R., King, K. L., Raja, R., Reed, A. Y., Riedweg, C. Schwartz, S., Smith, C. & Vinzent, M. (2015). "Editorial", Religion in the Roman Empire 1, 1-7.

Sindbæk, S. M. (2015). "Northern emporia and maritime networks. Modelling past communication using archaeological network analysis", in: Preiser-Kapeller, J. & Daim, F. (eds.), Harbours and Maritime Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems, Mainz, 105-118.

Sindbæk, S. M. (2015). "Steatite vessels and the Viking diaspora. Migrants, travellers, and cultural change in early medieval Britain and Ireland", in: Barrett, J. H. & Gibbon, S. J. (eds.), Maritime Societies of the Viking Age and Medieval World, Oxford, 198-218.

Sindbæk, S. M. (ed.) (2015). Dragons of the Northern Seas. The Viking Age of Denmark, Ribe.

Wynne-Jones, S. (2015). "Biographies of practice and the negotiation of Swahili at nineteenth century Vumba", in: Richard, F. G. (ed.), Materializing Colonial Encounters: Archaeologies of African Experience, New York, 155-176.

Wynne-Jones, S. (2015). "Problems with practice: Dynamic interpretation in African archaeology", in: Wynne-Jones, S. & Fleisher, J. (eds.), Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory: Locating Meaning in Archaeology, London, 55-71.

Wynne-Jones, S. & Fleisher, J. (2015). "Fifty years in the archaeology of the eastern African coast: a methodological history, Azania", Archaeological Research in Africa 50:4, 519-541.

Wynne-Jones, S. & Fleisher, J. (2015). "Conservation, community archaeology and the archaeologist as mediator at Songo Mnara, Tanzania", Journal of Field Archaeology 40:1, 110-119.

Wynne-Jones, S. & Fleisher, J. (eds.) (2015). Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory: Locating Meaning in Archaeology, London.

Wynne-Jones, S. & Fleisher, J. (2015). "Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory", in: Wynne-Jones, S.  & Fleisher, J. (eds), Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory: Locating Meaning in Archaeology, London, 3-18.