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Kulturen på P1 with Centre Director Rubina Raja: Radio interview about the new exhibition at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek "The Road to Palmyra". Starts at 1:38:59.
New publication by Professor Rubina Raja.
New publication by Museum Curator Anne Marie Nielsen (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek) and Professor Rubina Raja.
An ancient statue from Syria is going on display in Copenhagen — along with its digital recreation
I morgen åbner en ny, storstilet udstilling - Vejen til Palmyra - på Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Udstillingen tager udgangspunkt i museets mageløse samling af gravportrætter fra oldtidsbyen Palmyra i den syriske ørken.
New research assistant in the Palmyra Portrait Project.
Ny bog fortæller om, hvordan danske arkæologer afdækkede antikkens byer i forsøget på at finde en fælles fortid.
Today, the MOOC “Discovering Greek & Roman Cities” starts. It is a Massive Open Online Course on ancient urbanism and urbanity for everyone interested.
Invited by the organisers of "Bogtorsdage" at the Royal Danish Library.
New visiting PhD student at UrbNet.
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