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En netop åbnet særudstilling på Museet Ribes Vikinger tegner et helt nyt billede af Ribes fantastiske historie. Udstillingen viser genstande fra en omfattende udgravning i hjertet af Ribe, som i 2017-2018 blev gennemført som led i Semper Ardens-projektet Northern Emporium.
En ny særudstilling på Museet Ribes Vikinger deler nye arkæologiske indsigter om Ribes tidligste historie. Det sker på baggrund af opsigtsvækkende udgravninger i projektet Northern Emporium.
Tuesday 28 June, the new special exhibition “Vikingernes By” officially opened at the museum Ribes Vikinger.
Returning from three weeks heading a training excavation for second-semester archaeology students from Aarhus University, UrbNet Associate Professor Sarah Croix reflects on what is a life-changing experience for many of the participants.
Meet UrbNet PhD student Rhiannon Garth Jones. Rhiannon looks at the capital cities of Baghdad and Samarra through the lens of Late Antiquity to investigate how the early Abbasid caliphs used their cities to project a message of power and authority.
New publication by Cristina Boschetti, Jan Kindberg Jacobsen, Claudio Parisi Presicce, Rubina Raja, Nadine Schibille and Massimo Vitti.
Rubina Raja has been elected a as member of the Academia Europaea. Also known as the Academy of Europe, this is the only pan-European scientific academy across all disciplines.
Et særligt lys kan blive afgørende for udgravningen tæt på Grenaa.
PhD Nikoline Sauer is awarded 760.000 DKK from the Carlsberg Foundation for the project 'An Archaeological Reassessment of Early Urban Rome'.
Conference summary by Assistant Professor Olympia Bobou and Postdoc Julia Steding.
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