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Conference organised by Lieve Donnellan, Rubina Raja, Søren Sindbæk and Tom Brughmans.
A short summary of the work retreat from 19 to 25 January 2020.
Are scientists always objective when they choose their approach? PhD Student Johan S. Larsen briefly investigates whether, or rather how, the affect, or emotional connotations, of methods may influence how academic work is conducted.
Video talk with former Postdoc Vana Orfanou at TEDxAarhus, 5 October 2019.
New publication by former Assistant Professor Signe Krag.
PhD Student Thomas Schrøder Daugbjerg tells more about absolute dating and exploration of urban evolution in Jerash
Arkæologer skal i nyt projekt undersøge Syriens antikke magt- og handelscentrums cirkulære økonomi og se på, hvordan det kan inspirere os til at løse fremtidens udfordringer.
Assistant Professor Emanuele E. Intagliata reflects on the results of his study season in Georgia in spring 2019.
On 18 January, the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek will host a symposium about Palmyra for all interested. The day will feature talks by leading experts on Palmyrene history and archaeology, and there will be an opportunity to join the speakers in the museum's special exhibition on Palmyra.
Kulturen på P1 with Centre Director Rubina Raja: Radio interview about cultural heritage in Iran in the wake of Trump's threats. Starts at 00:57:59.
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