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New PhD student at UrbNet.
New assistant centre administrator at UrbNet.
A very special find from excavations in Gerasa, modern-day Jerash in Jordan, has been incorporated into The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database.
Netværksanalyse af en gammel tekst om et berømt slag i 1014 giver ny indsigt om afslutningen af vikingernes herredømme i Irland.
Archaeologists are now certain that the 264 bodies buried in the English town of Repton were Vikings. A curious mystery has finally been solved.
Nu ved vi, at 264 vikinger fra Den Store Vikingehær ligger begravet i den engelske by Repton. En besynderlig historie har langt om længe fået sit punktum.
New PhD student in the project Excavation of Julius Caesar’s Forum in Rome.
The distinction is awarded by the Archaeological Institute of America.
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