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Ved et tilfælde har Rubina Raja fået en central rolle i bevarelsen af oldtidslevn, som trues af tilintetgørelse af den syriske borgerkrig og Islamisk Stat. Men menneskene kommer først, siger hun.
Grant recipient: Professor Rubina Raja.
Forskere i Aarhus har dokumentert 3000 gravportretter fra den IS-okkuperte byen Palmyra. Prosjektet kan sikre byens kulturarv for framtida.
Interview med Professor Rubina Raja: Hvordan kan man i et krigshærget land som Syrien gå ind og beskytte et lands kulturarv, og hvor meget er der reelt tilbage af de syriske kulturskatte efter Islamisk Stats ødelæggelser?
Indslag begynder 14.04.
Publication of the two preliminary reports on the fieldwork undertaken by the Danish-German Northwest Quarter Project in 2012 published in ADAJ. The publications describe the work undertaken and the results of the fieldwork and give an overview of the finds.
by Assistant professor Michael Blömer.
Michael Blömer has taken up a position as UrbNet assistant professor, starting 1 November 2015.
The Danish-German Northwest Quarter Project is looking for a number of engaged archaeology students to join the 2016 team.
New publication by Rubina Raja and Annette Højen Sørensen.
This week technicians have been in-house installing the new Agilent 7900 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer. This is an exciting, historical week for the Earth System Petrology team!
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