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The Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) offers three fully financed PhD scholarships from 1 September 2015 focused on the archaeology, archaeoscience, geoscience and history of urban societies in the past. Deadline July 1 2015.
11-12. maj afholdes det 28. Byarkæologiske Møde i Ribe under overskriften: Byernes netværk. Mødet afholdes af UrbNet og Sydvestjyske Museer.
Det kan være overraskende, hvor meget man rent faktisk kan bruge nogle godt 1300 år gamle takker fra et hjortegevir til. Men på Aarhus Universitet kan forskeren Søren Sindbæk glæde sig over, at der gemte sig et helt nyt stykke Danmarkshistorie i netop resterne af et gammelt gevir.
Fundet af hjortetakker i Ribe, giver historien om vikingerne en anden begyndelse.
Walrus-tusk ivory and walrus-hide rope were highly desired goods in Viking Age north-west Europe. New finds of walrus bone and ivory in early Viking Age contexts in Iceland are concentrated in the south-west, and suggest extensive exploitation of nearby walrus for meat, hide and ivory during the…
New study changes our understanding of how and where the Viking age began.
Søren Sindbæk har været med til at fastlægge, at Ribe fik besøg af de tidlige vikinger allerede omkring 70 år, hvilket er før det første 'officielle' vikingetogt fandt sted. Læs historien på videnskab.dk.
Dokumentar med Professor Rubina Raja.
Talking about Vikings, many of us picture the image of ruthless, bloodthirsty pirates pillaging their way through the old world. But a new exhibition at the Suzhou Museum leaves us with a different, and more estimable, impression.
The exhibition, Dragons of the Northern Sea - The Vikings and Cultural Encounters, opens at the Suzhou Museum in Suzhou city of East China's Jiangsu province on March 29, 2015.
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