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We are immensely proud of our centre director professor Rubina Raja, who has been awarded the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prize 2024 in the field of humanities and social sciences.
Portrætfilm af professor Rubina Raja | Modtager af Carlsbergfondets Forskningspris 2024
Book presentations by Sarah Croix and Søren M. Sindbæk.
In this episode of Aarhus University Press' podcast series ‘Fagbøger, der giver genlyd’, Søren M. Sindbæk talks about his book 'Trelleborg' and the spectacular discovery of Denmark's first ring fortress.
At UrbNet we are very proud of our student assistant Johan Trap-Godau, who is among this year's recipients of Queen Margrethe II's travel grant.
New book series by Søren Sindbæk.
Residential Scholar at UrbNet.
Opdagelsen bag Trelleborg er en ren »detektivhistorie«, mener professor bag ny bog om vikingeborgen.
New publication by C. A. Harvey, E. E. Intagliata, and R. Raja.
New publication by former visiting PhD students David Laguna-Palma and Olga Palacios and former research assistant Katarína Mokránová.
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